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  • By entering Prestige Dance Awards competitors agree to abide by all rules and conditions.

  • Age is to be taken from 1st January 2024 - Proof of age must be provided if asked for. Competing in the wrong age group will result in disqualification.

  • By entering Prestige Dance Awards, you give permission for images or videos of your child to be used for media and promotional purposes.

  • Competitors can only appear once in a section.

  • Prestige Dance Awards does not hold liability to any damages or injuries sustained at the event.

  • Personal information that you supply will only be used by Prestige Dance Awards, and not be distributed to any outside parties.

  • Competitors may only be accompanied backstage by one individual.

  • Bullying will not be tolerated at Prestige Dance Awards. If bullying of any kind occurs, the relevant individuals will be asked to leave the event.

  • The adjudicator’s decision is final. No discussion between families/competitors and the adjudicator is allowed. If this occurs, the competitor will be disqualified.

  • Please note depending on the number of entries in each section, Prestige Dance Awards can join together different age groups to ensure each section has a suitable number of competitors.

  • In the event Prestige Dance Awards reaches capacity with the number of competitors entered into the competition, they can close entries early.



  • The use of alcohol, drugs and smoking is strictly prohibited.

  • All staff at Prestige Dance Awards reserve the rights to refuse entry into the venue.

  • No mobile phones or electronic devices are to be used in the auditorium.

  • We encourage cheering, but there is to be no coaching from spectators during performances.

  • Photography/videography is strictly prohibited inside the theatre and in dressing rooms.

  • In the event of an accident or illness there will be staff equipped with first aid certification. If emergency medical attention is required, an Ambulance will be called to site – all fees and costs related will be the responsibility of the Child's parent or guardian accompanying them at the event.



Prestige Dance Awards cannot offer any refunds, exchanges, or credits for entries where the competitor can no longer attend the event. If a competitor is injured Prestige Dance Awards can credit an entry if a medical certificate is provided. Unpaid entries will not be accepted.



  • Music must be age appropriate and not include swearing or coarse language.

  • Music must be uploaded via

  • Prestige Dance Awards will send an email reminder when music is ready to be uploaded. If music is not uploaded we will assume you are not competing.

  • Please bring a backup USB on the day with all of your music.

  • If music fails to play or cuts out during routine, competitors will be allowed to restart their performance.



  • Solos/duos/trios/quads – 3 minutes

  • Tap/Song & Tap/Song & Dance – 4 minutes

  • Troupes – 5 minutes 



  • Troupes must consist of a minimum of 5 competitors.

  • Troupes entries are based on the average age of the competitors. To calculate the average age, add together all student’s ages and divide by the number of competitors in the troupe. 

  • The oldest competitor in a team can only perform one age group below their current age (taken from January 1st 2023). For example, a student who is 17 can dance in the 15 and under age group but cannot perform in 12 and Under. 

  • Appropriate dressing rooms will be allocated and schools must abide by these.

  • For each competition, we will provide specific guidelines for the venue and participating schools. Competitors, teachers and their families are expected to adhere to these guidelines.



Duos/trios/quads must dance in the age group of the eldest competitor.



To compete in this section, a competitor must have choreographed their own solo without any input from their dance teachers.



A competitor can perform any style/genre of dance however this solo cannot be repeated in any other section.



  • Tap shoes must be worn in all tap sections, no pre-recorded tapping is permitted.

  • Song and tap or song and dance routines are not allowed backing vocals.​



During improvisation competitors will line up across the stage. Each competitor will be called forward and asked to perform approximately 30 seconds of lyrical/contemporary improvisation. After every competitor has performed their lyrical/contemporary impro, each competitor will perform approximately 30 seconds of jazz improvisation. Awards will be presented for improvisation, but competitors will not receive a video critique. 



  • Prestige Dance Awards takes no responsibility for props and will not replace or repair any damages.

  • Prestige Dance Awards is not responsible for moving props on and off stage.

  • Dangerous props are not allowed (scissors, knives, tweezers, matches etc).

  • Props must be removed from side stage once they have been used.



  • Please note our championship section is recommended for intermediate/advanced dancers.

  • To be eligible to compete in any championship section, competitors must compete in a corresponding age group solo to qualify.

  • Competitors will perform two different solos showcasing different genres in the championship section. Please note competitors can only repeat one dance they have previously performed in the competition. The other solo must be a routine that has not been performed at the event.

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